
Sunday, July 25, 2004

FBReplicator update

Some small revisions to FBReplicator have been added and posted to the downloads section. Pop over to the latest FBReplicator downloads to check it out. Or, if you're logged in, just pick up the latest executable here FBReplicator build 47.

Monday, July 19, 2004

XPde - Your Way to LINUX

XPde is a desktop environment (XPde) and a window manager (XPwm) for Linux. It tries to recreate the Windows XP interface to-the-pixel point, nothing more. No clipboard compatibility between Gtk and Qt applications, no emulation of Windows applications, no unification on the widgets of X applications, just a desktop environment and a window manager.
An "existing" user of Windows XP doesn't even know there such a thing called Linux, which can be more stable, more secure, with a lower TCO. If they know about it, they have to break too many walls to get into it. They won't want to migrate.
YOU as developer, YOU as sysadmin would like your customers use Linux. It would save you countless hours on the phone, countless hours repairing stupid Windows machines, countless hours cleaning viruses and it would give you a lot of flexibility on the computer management of your customers. XPde is just another tool in your toolset to help you migrate YOUR customers.
José León Serna

Dabo & Firebird

Dabo announce a 3-tier Python Framework with Firebird support.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Firebird plugin for SQuirreL SQL Client

The first beta version (v0.01) of the Firebird plugin for SQuirreL SQL Client has been released. The plugin is the result of a joint effort between our own Roman Rokytskyy and Colin Bell, author of the SQuirreL SQL Client.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Firebird 1.5.1 Release

The Firebird Project releases Firebird 1.5.1 for Windows and Linux. Firebird V1.5.1 is an updated version of Firebird V1.5. The V1.5 release of Firebird represented a major upgrade to the Firebird database engine, and was released earlier this year. Firebird V1.5.1 represents a committment by the project to develop and deliver ongoing improvements to this popular open source database engine. Downloads are available at: The NPTL (Native Posix Thread Library) Linux builds referred to in the release notes will be available shortly.

Monday, July 12, 2004

C# 3.0 will do it!

Anders Hejlsberg is starting to discuss the future of C# 3.0 in regards to unite Object Oriented Languages and Database programing under the same roof. "Cw" is coming! Pronounced "C Omega"
Read more ...

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Has Delphi Eclipsed JBuilder? is a very revealing report. This report implies the following breakdown of revenues by products: JBuilder: $13.4 million Delphi, C++ Builder, Kylix and C++ Mobile Edition: $15.2 million Since C++ and Kylix are DOA, this means that Delphi *may* have eclipsed JBuilder in sales revenue. Interesting, especially since Borland has an acknowledged policy of financing and backing products according to the ranking of their revenue stream. Go, Delphi, go!

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Firebird Conference pictures

Some pictures from the Firebird Conference. Posted by Arno Brinkman.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

eBay and Delphi

Borland and eBay recently announced a partnership that will provide developers with tools for integrating Delphi applications with the eBay marketplace. The first step of this program is the availability of eBay .NET SDK. Expect future Delphi releases to ship with the SDK in the box. With the SDK and Delphi 8 you can seamlessly integrate your applications, inventories, and sales systems into eBay. So if your customers or end users have goods or services running through your Delphi applications, you can now offer those goods and services conveniently and cost effectively into a whole new marketplace, and a particularly popular one at that. There is also an SDK available for PayPal. John Kaster has kindly posted several helpful Delphi/eBay SDK sample applications on Code Central: (1) and (2). Cool note: he used babel code to help with the port of these from C#. John has been playing with the eBay SDK for a little while now and I think he has a few more useful eBay things up his sleeve.