Updated ODBC Snapshot (Beta V1.03.00.0073) is available for download.
Friday, October 29, 2004
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Creating your own content management system with php
If you want to know how to create a content management system with php where you can make password protected pages that require to be registered, then this article should help you, but going through the code of a very basic CMS system and providing you the code to play around with. Read the Full article at IceTeks
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/28/2004 10:13:00 AM
CrossKylix 1.0.0 is here!!!
Here's the list of changes since 0.9.1:
- Added "output directory" to CrossKylix options
- Moved Kylix-paths to the top of the .conf file. This fixes the problem that if "Use Debug
DCUs" was enabled in Delphis project options, Kylix tried to use those dcus (which failed).
This used to be a common problem for many first-time users.
- Added missing translation for -LU switch, which made compiling packages fail
- Compile dialog now uses FileCtrl.MinimizeName to shorten the path name displayed - looks
- The CK menu items now will only be enabled if you have a compilable project open. For
Delphi 2005 it will only be enabled if the current personality is set to Delphi.
- The ckdcc command line compiler now will display some own usage information additional
to the native dcc one
- ckdcc now also works when installed into a path with a space character in it. Compiling
projects with spaces in their paths still is begging for trouble, though.
- Delphi 2005 now is officially supported
You may download the new version from http://crosskylix.untergrund.net/crosskylix-100.zip
Existing users of 0.9.0 and 0.9.1 may update their installation by
http://crosskylix.untergrund.net/ckupdate100.zip and unzipping this WITH
PATH NAMES to your CrossKylix installation directory. Then recompile
the CrossKylix IDE plugin package CrossKylix.dpk, and you are done.
(This update only works if your previously have installed 0.9.X, it
does NOT work with older CrossKylix releases).
Please notice that http://crosskylix.untergrund.net/#hints also has
been updated.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/28/2004 09:45:00 AM
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Talk on "Firebird's Stored Procedures, Triggers and Events"
Carlos H Cantu will deliver a talk on "Firebird's Stored Procedures, Triggers and Events" at the 4º Delphi Developers Day in Ribeirão, Preto-SP, Brazil. More information can be found on the DUG-BR web site.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/27/2004 11:10:00 AM
NPTL kit for Superserver on Linux
The NPTL (Native Posix Thread Library) Superserver for Linux build referred to in the release notes should be used if you are installing SS on Fedora Core or other Linuxen that use the New POSIX Threading Library (NPTL).
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/27/2004 11:06:00 AM
Forum for InterBase, Firebird and Yaffil users
New forum for InterBase, Firebird and Yaffil users is here: http://forum.ibase.ru
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/27/2004 10:57:00 AM
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Win an Apple Power Mac G5 system!
Firebird is a Tier 2 project in the Linux On Power Open Source Developer Contest. If you port Firebird 1.5 to the Linux/PPC64 platform and you are a US resident you can win an Apple Power Mac G5 system. Any developer that would like to take up this challenge needs to register for the competition before October 31st 2004. The port needs to be a native 64-bit, optimized build, any patches required for the build need to be submitted to the Firebird CVS HEAD and current stable branch (B1_5_Release). The Port should not introduce any new regressions in the QMDB test suite as compared to current Linux/x86 platform. If you need assistance in this you can ask on the Firebird development list for advice and help. There are a number of non US residents who have sucessfully ported Firebird to other platforms.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/26/2004 10:00:00 AM
Jaybird V1.5.4 (Firebird Class 4 JCA-JDBC Driver)
Jaybird V1.5.4 (Firebird Class 4 JCA-JDBC Driver) has been released and is available for download.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/26/2004 09:58:00 AM
Monday, October 25, 2004
New Firebird Open Source Project
New Firebird Open Source Project: MyTracker, has been listed on the IBPhoenix Firebird and InterBase related projects page.
MyTracker is tracking and collaboration system that allows users to collect, file, share, and discuss any type of information, whether it is news, a thought, bug, task, idea, document, graph and report.
If your project is not listed here and you would like it adding please send us the details.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/25/2004 10:05:00 AM
Friday, October 22, 2004
30th Anniversary of Pascal
GrokSoup writes "UC San Diego is holding a public symposium on Friday, October 22nd, honoring the 30th anniversary of the Pascal programming language. Oh the memories of undergraduate bubble-sorts ..."
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/22/2004 02:53:00 PM
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Why is Delphi 2005 the "must have" upgrade for Win32 developers?
"A great question was posted in the Delphi newsgroups today:
"What would make me switch from Delphi 7 to Delphi 2005?"
This question is great because it's really the same for any Delphi Win32 developer using version v2 thru v7. The answer is that there are more new features for Win32 development than we've done in any previous version of Delphi. For Win32 development we focused on how we could improve, speed up, and add fun to every aspect of the day to day developer experience for every Delphi developer regardless of what type of application you are developing. And, at the same time helping you to produce higher quality code, fewer bugs, and improve team collaboration. In addition to all of that, Delphi 2005 still provides, out of the box, the most seamless migration to .NET of any programming language, period.
So, here are some reasons to upgrade - specifically for Win32 developers:
- New, "For In" loop iterator (worth the price of admission alone)
- New, Delphi compiler function inlining for executable performance increase
- New, Refactoring
o extract method
o declare field/variable
o rename
o extract to resource string
- New, SyncEdit - visually edit multiple occurances of a symbol simultaneously
- New, Error Insights
o you'll find errors faster, and let fewer get by (plus it's fun to watch as you type)
- New Help Insights
o on the fly VCL help for every object, property, and method
- as well as for your own classes, functions, and procedures
- New, Integrated DUnit unit testing to automate creating and executing Unit tests
- New, Automatic multiple file backups - keeps a historical record of all file saves
- New, History Manager - view/diff/restore from any backup or starteam checkin
- Starteam Standard Edtion included in Delphi Enterprise and Architect Editions
- Enhanced, IntraWeb v7.2 RAD WYSIWYG Delphi Web development
- New, Deployment Manager - simplifies and automates deploying IntraWeb Applications
- Enhanced, Indy 10 Internet Protocol components
- Enhanced, Object Inspector
o view and change properties of files in project manager and other IDE objects
- Enhanced, Tool Palette
o Designed to easily find, organize, and access hundreds of components
o In place filtered searching - ctrl-alt-p and just start typing the first few characters of what you're looking for
o Access Gallery Wizards from Tool Palette - ie: ctrl-alt-p "u"
- Enhanced, Interbase 7.5 Developer Edition
- Enhanced, Nevrona Rave Reports
- New, GlyFX Icon Library
- New, Component One ActiveX Enterprise Suite
- New, Sybase dbExpress driver
- Datasnap(Midas) royalty free deployment license
- Tons of Win32 debugger enhancements
plus a few .NET features to boot ;o) Delphi.NET, VCL.NET, .NET versions of Delphi data access technologies, C# support, ECO II, RAD for ADO.NET and hundreds of add'l .NET features"
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/21/2004 10:35:00 AM
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Firebird ODBC Driver
Updated V1.3 (Beta) Firebird ODBC Driver snapshot is available for download.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/20/2004 10:20:00 AM
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Firebird V1.5 Classic Server for HPUX 11
Firebird V1.5 Classic Server for HPUX 11 is available for testing. If you want to help out with this please contact Paul Beach at IBPhoenix directly.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/19/2004 11:13:00 AM
Monday, October 18, 2004
Firebird .NET Data provider V1.6.3 for Mono 1.0x, .NET 1.0 and .NET 1.1
The Firebird .NET Data provider V1.6.3 for Mono 1.0x, .NET 1.0 and .NET 1.1 is now available for download.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/18/2004 02:40:00 PM
Fyracle V0.8.0 (Oracle-mode Firebird) released!!!
In the download area (http://www.fyracle.org/downloads), a new
release of Fyracle is available:
1. Fyracle is now built on top of Firebird 1.5.1
2. The libraries "isc_api" and "ora_api" have been rolled together
into a new library "fyracle". This is the only library you will need:
"fyracle" makes both "isc_api" and "ora_api" redundant.
3. Fyracle now works with an unmodified build of Jaybird. You
need Jaybird 1.5.2 or later. Note that the connection string for
Oracle-mode is "firebirdsql:oracle"
4. Installers for Windows and Linux have been added. These
installers will install Firebird and Fyracle and configure it for you.
The installer will overwrite a pre-existing install of Firebird. If you
have Firebird running on the target machine, you must shut it
down before running the installer.
On Linux, if started from within the X Window system, the installer
will use a GUI interface to guide the install. If started from a plain
shell, it will use a text based install.
You must be 'root' / 'administrator' to run the installler.
5. The Compiere demo has been rebuilt to work with the new
Fyracle release. The files are available from the download area.
Note that this is the same 2.5.0b release as earlier. Moving to
a current release will be the next step.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/18/2004 02:32:00 PM
Database Workbench V2.5.5 released
Upscene announce the release of Database Workbench V2.5.5
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/18/2004 11:13:00 AM
Friday, October 15, 2004
Kylix C++ ilink patch
Fixes the ilink and ilink.so file which crashes unter Kernel 2.6 with a failed assertion.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/15/2004 03:03:00 PM
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Delphi 2005 has been announced.
Delphi 2005 has been announced.
More info, FAQ, Requirements and Feature Matrix :
The feature matrix is only 2 pages, I think this is better than the 7+ page feature list of yesteryear naming everything.
For those who want to now all new features I suggest to look at the presentation of John Kaster
One little thought. What is .Net 2.0 is released on time in 2005, and borland follows quickly. It will still be 2005. What will the next version be called Delphi 2006, Delphi 2005 Summer Edition.
As you can tell I have some problems naming product for the year in which they will be use instead of the year they are released. Like JBuilder2005, Delphi2005, StarTeam2005.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/14/2004 09:34:00 AM
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Fyracle and Firebird discussed on OS News
There is an interesting discussion of Oracle versus open source
databases on OS News:
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/12/2004 04:01:00 PM
Monday, October 11, 2004
Jaybird V1.5.3 (Firebird Class 4 JCA-JDBC Driver) released!
Jaybird V1.5.3 (Firebird Class 4 JCA-JDBC Driver)has been released and is available for download
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/11/2004 03:36:00 PM
Thursday, October 07, 2004
SOUND OFF : Is Microsoft Less Expensive Than Linux?
Microsoft is concerned that Linux's popularity is increasing. Readers debate the expense issue of open source versus Redmond. By Art Jahnke on CIO. Firebird is mentioned in one of the responses (Jason Latonio CTO, International Securities Lending Exchange) to this article.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/07/2004 11:05:00 AM
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Introduction to the .NET Framework Class Library
By Corbin Dunn (Borcon2004 paper)
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/06/2004 10:16:00 AM
Programming Language Popularity: The TCP Index for October, 2004
"In the newest poll, the overall positioning is not much different from last month. C continues to be ahead of Java. In fact, the top 15 positions remain the same as they did last month. Granted, this is much different than the positions of a year ago (as shown by the icons in the chart). What is interesting to note, however, is the change in percentages from last month. For example, C remains in the lead with the strongest percentage of 18.172. This actually higher than last month's 17.122%. Java also increased its percentage from last month going from 15.896% to 17.050%. The first language to drop is actually (Visual) Basic which went from 11.650% to 9.760% in the last month. In the last year, however, (Visual) Basic was up by 2.30%. "
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/06/2004 10:13:00 AM
IBReplicator Beta V2.0 (
IBReplicator Beta V2.0 ( is available for download and testing.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/06/2004 10:10:00 AM
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Free Technical Books Online
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/05/2004 11:04:00 AM
The CodeDOM and the Delphi IDE
By Corbin Dunn
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/05/2004 10:47:00 AM
Delphi 8 Tips, Tricks and Speed Improvements
Cool article by Corbin Dunn.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/05/2004 10:28:00 AM
Monday, October 04, 2004
flamerobin 0.1.5 is released
FlameRobin V0.1.5 Alpha, has been released and is available for download. FlameRobin is an open source, lightweight and cross-platform GUI administration and management tool for Firebird.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/04/2004 05:17:00 PM
Friday, October 01, 2004
IBReplicator Beta
IBReplicator Beta is available for download and testing.
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/01/2004 01:19:00 PM
FlameRobin version 0.1.4 released
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
10/01/2004 10:31:00 AM