
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Nick joins DevCo & Delphi Team

Nick Hodges, long time Delphi fellow, is the new Delphi Product Manager for the soon-to-be DevCo. A great opportunity for him, the company, and the entire Delphi community.

Nick discusses his new job (and his great mood) in a post in his blog. He has also an irresistible post in the non-tech group:

" B orland finally went and hired a new Delphi Product Manager. He seems a pretty cool guy. Oh, wait, it's me!"

Is Nick a good choice for the job? Indeed. He is part and will remain part of the community, knowns a lot about the product, has great connections with all of the key players and team members... so he'll certainly be able to serve Delphi need to get back in the hand of more and more developers and students, find its place in software companies and universities alike... and also serve the community helping DevCo to improve the products to better serve its users (and not some "disconnected" analysts).

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