
Monday, January 10, 2005

Firebird unable to connect to local loopback server

Firebird tip From the FAQ

On Windows XP (SP2), when I disconnect the network cable, my local programs are unable to connect to the local loopback server ( Localhost). Is there something I have to set in the Firebird configuration?

No, it’s a “feature” of WinXP called DHCP Media Sense, that automatically disables the TCP/IP stack whenever there is no network connection. Switching it off requires adding a key to the Windows Registry. Open the Registry Editor and locate the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters. Add a new DWORD key named DisableDHCPMediaSense with a value of 1. To re-enable Media Sense, change the value to 0.

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