I have developed unit to embed Firebird embedded into EXE, so that you deploy ONLY EXE, nothing else ;)
You can download and play with it.
RAR archive:
download demo
download source
ZIP archive:
download demo
download source
Note that ZIP archive is double the size of RAR ;-)
If you improve it, please send me a copy to fikret.hasovic@gmail.com
Friday, May 13, 2005
Delphi unit to embed Firebird into EXE
Posted by
Fikret Hasovic
5/13/2005 03:16:00 PM
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please provide an zip or tar.gz
i don't have rar
Fantastic idea, simple and very effective :-)
There is no documentation, but you have simple demo project where you can see how to use it.
You just include fb_embedded.pas into your project, and that's all.
Mail me if you have any problems.
BTW, I am just releasing new version ;)
It is very good.
That form1, it's by design just a records-scroll-only ? (the rest of the buttons are grayed-out)
by Leso
I'm a begginer in Turbo Delphi (it's my first day !)
Although I know this example of yours "Delphi unit to embed Firebird into EXE" it is written using another (expensive) Borlan IDE (not the free one I'm using..) I don't understand why I'm getting an error saying that
"fb_embedded.pas" and ather.. are missing.. (and it's really missing from your project..).
Please, can you post the missing file or BETTER, re-write the project using this FREE "Turbo Delphi Explorer" version ??
We (Delphi begginers) are so willing to learn but there are no examples and the IDE help is too confusing and into the "Borland's Developer Network Delphi's Example" there is non compatible with this new IDE (or I don't know how to search it?)
I'm trying to create a simple phonebook.exe agenda with an embed firebird database and I woul like give users only a singe file (no matter after that after clicking, it will multiply.. in this way I will avoid the installing mechanism..)
Please, by Leso
Hello Mr. Hasovic,
The download link is broken. Could you provide another link?
Thank you.
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nice post
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